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Writer's picture: Johnny BerryJohnny Berry


The Trauma Table is used whenever a Unit is Downed. When a Unit reaches 0 HP, the player rolls a D20 and consults the Trauma Table to determine the lasting effects. Each trauma applies stat adjustments, which can be beneficial or detrimental, and may also affect the Unit’s Resistances. If a trauma reduces a Unit’s stat below 0, it still applies, resulting in a negative modifier that impacts gameplay. The effects of trauma are permanent unless altered by specific abilities or gear.

Trauma forces players to adjust their Crew’s tactics, positioning, and gear to stay effective. A Unit with reduced Agility may struggle to dodge attacks, while lower Brawn makes Melee combat riskier. Some traumas shift a Unit into a support role, like Severed Arm, which increases Tech but reduces mobility. Negative stats make certain actions harder, requiring the right weapons, armor, or strategy to compensate. As trauma accumulates, a Crew must adapt, evolving new strengths to overcome its weaknesses.


Trauma Table

  1. Depression

    Stats: -1 Agility, -1 Brawn, -1 Focus, +3 Tech, -2 HP

    Weighed down by despair, you struggle to find motivation, preferring to stay home and watch television.

  1. Anxiety

    Stats: -1 Agility, -1 Focus, +2 Tech, +4 HP

    The constant threat of danger keeps you on high alert. You struggle to focus and react calmly in stressful situations but are prepared for anything.

  1. Shell-Shocked

    Stats: -1 Agility, +2 Brawn, -1 Focus, +2 HP

    You’re haunted by the horrors of war. You’ve witnessed many atrocities and had many close calls. This has left you skilled in combat but prone to panic attacks and flashbacks.

  1. Severed Arm

    Stats: -2 Agility, +1 Brawn, +1 Tech

    After losing your arm in battle, you received a cybernetic replacement. It grants increased strength and technical proficiency, but hinders your agility.

  1. Insomnia

    Stats: -1 Agility, -1 Focus, +2 Tech

    Plagued by nightmares and an inability to sleep, you suffer from fatigue and impaired cognitive function. Your restless nights are spent reading and tinkering with the latest technology.

  1. Internal Injuries

    Stats: -1 Agility, -2 Brawn, +2 Focus

    Battered and bruised from a brutal beating, you sustained internal injuries that impacted your strength and movement, but have given you increased focus on the task at hand.

  1. Severed Leg

    Stats: +1 Agility, -2 Brawn, +1 Tech

    Fitted with a cybernetic leg after a devastating injury, you have gained enhanced speed and agility, but at the cost of some of your physical strength.

  1. Near-Death Experience

    Stats: +1 Brawn, -1 Focus

    Bruised and bandaged, you barely survived a brutal assault. The terrifying experience left you with severe anxiety, resulting in difficulty concentrating under pressure.

  1. Facial Disfigurement

    Stats: +2 Agility, -2 Focus

    A close-range explosion has scarred your face, leaving you self-conscious of your appearance. The disfigurement affects your ability to communicate and coordinate effectively.

  1. Fear of Heights

    Stats: -2 Agility, +2 Brawn

    During a daring rooftop raid, you slipped and were left clinging to the side of a gutter high in the air. The terrifying experience has left you with a crippling fear of heights.

  1. Addiction

    Stats: -2 Focus, +2 Brawn, -5 HP

    Weeks of taking medication for pain has left you with an addiction. You have difficulty concentrating, but the high makes you feel invincible. . . though you are not.

  1. Burn Scars

    Stats: -1 Agility, -1 Brawn, +2 Focus

    You barely escaped an inferno, leaving behind a web of scars across your neck and back. You are more cautious around fire than you used to be.

  1. Chronic Pain

    Stats: -2 Agility, -1 Brawn, +2 Focus, +1 Tech, -2 HP

    After wrenching your back in a brawl, a bulging disc has left you with chronic pain. You now spend more time reading magazines than lifting weights and training.

  1. Hesitation

    Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Brawn, -2 Focus

    The weight of your actions weigh heavily on your mind. You find it difficult to pull the trigger, so you’re more likely to run from a firefight than start one.

  1. Post Traumatic Stress

    Stats: +2 Agility, +2 Brawn, -2 Focus, -2 Tech

    With every pull of the trigger, you relive your worst nightmares. Avoiding weapons that bring back the past, you now take a more silent approach.

  1. Scorched Cornea

    Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Brawn, -2 Focus, -4 HP

    A stray laser blast caught you in the eye destroying it and leaving your face scorched. Your impaired vision has left you jumpy and more aware of your immediate surroundings.

  1. Nerve Damage

    Stats: -1 Agility, -1 Brawn, +2 Focus, +5 HP

    A numbness has begun creeping over your body, affecting balance and strength. Your intense focus on your movements have sharpened your other senses.

  1. Blunt Force Trauma

    Stats: +2 Agility, -1 Focus, -1 Tech, -3 HP

    A heavy blow to the head has left you a little less intelligent than you used to be, but you’ve learned the importance of protecting your weak spots in battle.

  1. Torn Ligament

    Stats: -1 Agility, +1 Tech

    A wrong step left you writhing in pain on the ground. After weeks of recovery in a hospital bed, you still walk with a limp. Hopefully, all that time spent reading will pay off.

  1. Cybernetic Upgrade

    Stats: -1 to any Stat, +1 to any other Stat

    After narrowly avoiding a brush with death, your replacement limb has made you stronger in some ways, while inhibiting you in others.


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