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Writer's picture: Johnny BerryJohnny Berry

What Are Backgrounds?

Backgrounds in Dystopian Sky: Skirmish are backstories that players choose for each of their Units to further customize them, going beyond basic stats and affiliations. Each background provides a unique narrative that suggests a Unit's past experiences, shaping their skills and adding depth to their character. This history is reflected in stat adjustments, some positive and others negative, highlighting each Unit's unique strengths and weaknesses. Similar to skills, no two Units in a Crew can share the same background. If a background causes any skill to drop to a negative number, it is an invalid choice and the player must choose a new background for that Unit.


Exclusive Backgrounds

Over time, new Backgrounds may be introduced on this page. Some additional Backgrounds may not be included in future editions of the rulebook, making this page the best place to find new ways to customize your Crew. Check back regularly for updates and expand your options with fresh, unique Backgrounds to shape your Units’ pasts.




Stats: +1 to any Stat, -2 to any other Stat, +2 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Stun, -10% Arc, -10% Bleed

A mysterious individual with a forgotten past, possessing hidden talents but vulnerable to manipulation.



Stats: +2 Tech, -1 Focus, -1 Agility, -2 HP

Resistances: +5% Stun, -5% Bleed, -5% Burn, -5% Poison

The archivist is a guardian of knowledge, preserving data and unearthing secrets from digital archives.



Stats: +3 Tech, -1 Brawn, -1 Focus, -1 Agility, -1 HP

Resistances: +5% Stun, +5% Arc, -10% Bleed

The astrophysicist’s brilliant mind possesses unparalleled knowledge of the universe but lacks practical survival skills.



Stats: +2 Tech, +1 Brawn, -3 Focus, -2 HP

Resistances: +10% Bleed, -5% Fear, -5% Poison

An explorer of human potential, pushing the boundaries of augmentation but often sacrificing stability for power.


Black Market Surgeon

Stats: +2 Tech, -2 Agility, -1 HP

Resistances: +10% Bleed, -5% Burn, -5% Stun

You replace limbs with cybernetic upgrades. Skilled with a scalpel, but your operating room rarely has an exit strategy.


Bounty Hunter

Stats: +1 Brawn, +1 Agility, -2 Focus, +1 HP

Resistances: +10% Disarmed, -5% Arc, -5% Fear

A relentless pursuer driven by profit, skilled in tracking and combat but often blinded by their singular focus.



Stats: +1 to any Stat, -1 to any other Stat, -2 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Poison, -5% Bleed, -5% Burn

A clone, grappling with identity and purpose, mirrors their original's skills and memories while seeking their own path.


Con Artist

Stats: +1 Focus, +1 Agility, +1 Tech, -2 Brawn, -5 HP

Resistances: +10% Fear, -5% Bleed, -5% Staggered

Skilled in deception and manipulation, they rely on their wits and technology rather than brute force.


Corporate Spy

Stats: +1 Tech, +1 Agility, -2 Brawn, -1 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Poison, -5% Burn, -5% Bleed

A master of infiltration and technology, operates in the shadows to steal secrets and forbidden knowledge.


Cult Member

Stats: +2 Focus, -1 Tech, -1 Agility, -3 HP

Resistances: +10% Fear, -10% Burn

The cult member finds focus and purpose in their unorthodox faith, but is susceptible to manipulation.


Cybernetic Child

Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Tech, -1 Brawn, -4 HP

Resistances: +5% Stun, +5% Arc, -5% Burn, -5% Fear

A child burdened by enhancements, possesses agility and technological aptitude but bears emotional scars.


Data Miner

Stats: +3 Tech, +1 Focus, -2 Brawn, -2 Agility, -1 HP

Resistances: +5% Stun, +5% Arc, -10% Staggered

An expert at sifting through archives and cracking codes, you’re physically weaker and slower than more active Units.



Stats: +2 Agility, +1 Focus, -1 Brawn, -2 Tech, +1 HP

Resistances: +5% Bleed, +5% Poison, -5% Burn, -5% Arc

Fleeing a troubled past, they rely on stealth and evasion, leaving behind formal training.


Explosives Expert

Stats: +1 Tech, +1 Focus, -2 Agility, +1 HP

Resistances: +10% Burn, -5% Bleed, -5% Disarmed

The Explosives expert, wielding volatile power with precision, sacrifices agility for destructive knowledge.


Feral Child

Stats: +2 Agility, -2 Tech, +2 HP

Resistances: +10% Poison, -5% Arc, -5% Stun

You were raised by wolves in the ruins of a fallen city. You’re quick and agile, but have no understanding of technology.


Field Scientist

Stats: +1 Focus, +1 Tech, -2 Brawn, -2 HP

Resistances: +5% Poison, +5% Arc, -10% Bleed

Driven by curiosity, the Field Scientist prioritizes research over preparedness and physical ability.


Fleet Officer

Stats: +3 Agility, +1 Focus, -2 Brawn, -2 Tech, +1 HP

Resistances: +10% Staggered, +5% Stun, -15% Bleed

A coordinator of starships with quick thinking and reflexes, but their time is spent behind a desk, not on the battlefield.


Freighter Pilot

Stats: +2 Agility, -1 Focus, -1 Tech, +2 HP

Resistances: +10% Disarmed, -5% Arc, -5% Fear

A navigator of trade routes that finds comfort in solitude, but struggles to focus on the world beyond a cockpit.



Stats: +1 Agility, -1 Brawn, +2 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Staggered, -10% Bleed

The fugitive, constantly on the run, possesses survival instincts and agility but is burdened by the threat of capture.


Gallant Station Pickpocket

Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Focus, -1 Brawn, -5 HP

Resistances: +10% Fear, -5% Bleed, -5% Poison

The Gallant Station pickpocket, a product of the station's underbelly, relies on dexterity and evasion to survive.


Gallant Station Street Vendor

Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Focus, -1 Brawn, +4 HP

Resistances: +10% Disarmed, -5% Bleed, -5% Staggered

The Gallant Station street vendor hustles to survive in the station's bustling marketplace, using street smarts to thrive.


Genetic Experiment

Stats: +2 to any Stat, -3 to any other Stat, +1 HP

Resistances: +10% Bleed, -5% Arc, -5% Poison

This experiment, shaped by unpredictable manipulation, grapples with enhanced abilities and potential instabilities.


Indentured Servant

Stats: +2 Brawn, +1 Tech, -1 Agility, -2 Focus, +3 HP

Resistances: +10% Staggered, -5% Burn, -5% Fear

Bound by duty, they have developed resilience and practical skills through hard labor.



Stats: +2 Focus, +1 Brawn, -1 Agility, -2 HP

Resistances: +10% Fear, -5% Stun, -5% Disarmed

The interrogator, a master of extracting information, treads a fine line between necessity and cruelty.



Stats: +2 Tech, -2 Focus, +4 HP

Resistances: +10% Arc, -5% Burn, -5% Stun

The mechanic, dedicated to the intricacies of machines, prioritizes technical expertise over social awareness.


Neptune Ice Miner

Stats: +2 Brawn, -1 Agility, -1 Focus, +2 HP

Resistances: +10% Staggered, -5% Bleed, -5% Disarmed

Hardened by unforgiving conditions, the Ice Miner possesses great strength but has limited focus and agility.



Stats: +1 Brawn, +1 Agility, -2 Focus, +1 HP

Resistances: +5% Staggered, +5% Disarmed, -10% Burn

A wanderer seeking new experiences that embraces adaptability, but struggles with deep connections and goals.


Novice Explorer

Stats: N/A

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Poison,

An inexperienced space traveler, fresh off the boat and up to date on all their immunization shots.



Stats: +1 Agility, -1 Brawn, -3 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +5% Stun, -5% Bleed, -5% Poison

The refugee, scarred by Trauma and loss, possesses survival instincts and agility but carries heavy emotional burdens.


Reporter Extraordinaire

Stats: +1 Focus, +1 Tech, -2 Agility, -1 HP

Resistances: +10% Stun, +5% Fear, -5% Staggered

The reporter, a shaper of public perception, utilizes communication and technology but lacks physical skills.


Robotic Servant

Stats: +2 Tech, -2 Focus, +2 HP

Resistances: +10% Arc, -5% Bleed, -5% Burn

A robotic servant programmed for obedience. It exhibits technical prowess but lacks any independent thought.


Salvage Operator

Stats: +1 Tech, +1 Brawn, -2 Focus, +1 HP

Resistances: +5% Arc, +5% Stun, -5% Fear, -5% Poison

The embodiment of resourcefulness and technical ability, but suffers from anxiety and has difficulty focusing.



Stats: +1 Tech, -1 Focus, +2 HP

Resistances: +10% Poison, -5% Bleed, -5% Burn

An Old-Earth survivor that is knowledgeable of improvised technology and weaponry, but struggles with mental acuity.


Space Health Inspector

Stats: +2 Focus, +1 Tech, -2 Brawn, -1 Agility

Resistances: +5% Burn, +10% Poison, -10% Bleed, -5% Stun

An enforcer of sanitation and safety regulations, they are more concerned with contamination than any actual danger.


Space Trucker

Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Tech, -1 Focus, -2 HP

Resistances: +10% Disarmed, -5% Stun, -5% Fear

A skilled pilot that transports goods across vast distances, but struggles with loneliness and distraction.


Syndicate Hacker

Stats: +1 Focus, +2 Tech, -1 Agility, -2 Brawn, -2 HP

Resistances: +10% Stun, -5% Bleed, -5% Disarmed

The syndicate hacker displays technological mastery and focus, but exhibits diminished physical strength and mobility.



Stats: +1 Brawn, -1 Tech, +3 HP

Resistances: +10% Staggered, -10% Fear

A hardened street fighter that relies on strength and violence, but is vulnerable to more cunning opponents.


Valkyrie Optics Technician

Stats: +1 Agility, +1 Tech, -2 Brawn, -1 HP

Resistances: +5% Arc, +10% Burn, -5% Bleed, -10% Poison

You are a master of optics technology, but your expertise lies in fine-tuning lasers, not swinging a hammer.


Vutharan Spy

Stats: +2 Agility, -2 Tech, -5 HP

Resistances: +5% Fear, +10% Poison, -5% Burn, -10% Bleed

The Vutharan Spy is an infiltrator of organizations. Quick and quiet, but you lack access to Vutharan technology.


Wasteland Preacher

Stats: +3 Focus, +1 Brawn, -2 Agility, -2 Tech, -1 HP

Resistances: +10% Fear, -5% Arc, -5% Staggered

Bringing hope to the corners of the world, they have plenty of inner strength but lack agility and technical knowledge.


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